Disaster Management Specialists Learning New Risk Analysis Methods

2016. november 22. 14:20

Under Norway Grants, forty employees of the Deputy Directorate General for Authority Supervision of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior – involved in the authority supervision of dangerous operations – are to take part in development training in October and November 2016.

Depending on their category, dangerous operations in Hungary are also required to have a security analysis document, a security report and a severe loss occurrence management plan, always assessed and approved by disaster management directorates. The primary objective of the three-week development training course, implemented in the framework of Norway Grants funding, is to further extend the professional skills of authority specialists assessing the documents of dangerous operations. The training course is intended to provide assistance in the analysis part of authority work by supplying professional knowledge, more detailed than ever before, through practical examples to the staff concerned.

In the first part of the development training course, the participants are to perform analysis and calculation tasks after preparations in terms of theory; then, in the second part of the training course, they are to get acquainted, in practice as well, with those novelties of the risk analysis software named Phast Risk which support authority licensing procedures. Training for software use includes modelling, running model calculations and the evaluation and display of results. The training course is conducted by the staff of the sole Hungarian agent of the software developer DNV-GL Software; the comprehensive three-week training course is complete with a written and oral examination. After this year’s training of forty specialists in October and November, another thirty colleagues are to be further trained by the disaster management organization in February and March next year.

For further information on the project, click here.