Women in Disaster Management

2016. november 15. 09:41

What are the challenges that appear specially in women’s careers in the everyday course of events? What stereotypes do we have in our mindsets in respect of gender differences? How is the Gender Equality Plan of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior is realized in practice? Is there a need to change and modify the gender equality strategy? These were some of the questions participants sought answers for at the workshop held in Jogar Továbbképző Központ, Balatonföldvár on 09 June, in the framework of a project supported by the Norwegian Financing Mechanism.

The actual implementation of the project, aiming at the local capacity development of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior, will last until 30 April 2017. Diverse project objectives include gender equality; the issue is scrutinized in line with the requirements expressly posed by Norwegian donor partners – primarily the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning – and forms an important element of the project.
Tibor Bittmann, Fire Fighter Brigadier General, Head of Service for Human Resources of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior, pointed out in his opening address of the program the disadvantages suffered by women at the labor market, as well as the prejudices women have to cope with at workplaces. The Brigadier General then presented a variety of management attitudes, placing emphasis on proactive, non-obstructive approaches in support of traditional women’s roles, followed by a short overview of recent regulatory changes related to the subject.
After the opening address, the objectives and background of the program were expounded in detail, and the plenary session part was followed by work in smaller groups. Topics were arranged into three groups, so participants had the opportunity to discuss in detail the benefits and pitfalls of flexitime; the strengths and weaknesses of training, promotion, and workplace infrastructure; and the role of women in decision making.
After the assessment of the situation in small groups, potential proposals for solution were brainstormed, on the basis of which the specialists conducting the training will elaborate an action plan for the disaster management organization. The Gender Equality Action Plan to be drawn up afterwards is intended to define real and actually usable guidelines to promote and facilitate women’s circumstances at the workplace in various life situations.
The new gender equality strategy and the associated action plan are expected to be completed by the end of June. The recommendations formulated in the Gender Equality Action Plan may be implemented in the framework of further work packages included in the Norwegian Project.