The Norwegian partners also visited Mezőkövesd

2014. május 13. 13:14

On the third day of the Norwegian project the Norwegian delegation – joined by the staff of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior (BM OKF) – visited Mezőkövesd, where they were introduced to the local duties related to disaster management through theoretical and practical programmes.

The visiting Norwegian guests were first welcomed by György Leskó, project manager of the Hungarian Civil Protection Association, followed by Dr. Zoltán Fekete, mayor of the host Mezőkövesd, who expressed his pleasure of welcoming the Norwegians and the disaster management representatives visiting within the framework of the project.
Then Attila Lipták fire service Brigadier General, Director of the Disaster Management Directorate of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County expressed his thanks for the delegation for choosing this region as the target of their visit and as the location of the professional and practical demonstrations. In his view it is of high importance to inform the inhabitants of the region about the possible dangers and to attain a danger-aware lifestyle as these are the factors that could enable them to appropriately handle an emergency.
The training of the youth is also essential, as they may well be the volunteers of the future – said Dr. István Endrődi fire brigade Colonel, President of the Hungarian Civil Protection Association, who delivered a detailed speech on the importance of preparation of inhabitants and volunteers, also calling attention to the disaster management education of the youth, which has to be started at secondary school age, not just on a theoretical but also on a practical level.
György Leskó introduced the project titled “Local Capacity Development of Disaster Management Institutions” with a presentation. He said that crisis management is an extremely complicated task integrating society as a whole, where the continuous improvement of the current system, the involvement of civil society and the management of resources are all essential conditions.
Civil organizations involved in the capacity development include the Fire Protection Association of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, the Civil Guard Association and the Regional Disaster Management and Civil Protection Association. In his presentation he introduced the methods of managing direct flood threats, also touching upon the tasks of rescuing from the water.
The delegation then attended a flood protection exercise presented by volunteers and professionals, where almost 30 people demonstrated the tasks to be carried out when water levels are rising, for example the proper installation of sandbags. The demonstration also included the installation of a beam support for a building threatened by flood, carried out by firefighters.
During the visit of the outpost István Endrődi introduced the rescue support centre, describing that this is the location where in case of a disaster volunteers are prepared and the protective packages are distributed, which contain essential protective tools for the volunteers taking part in the rescue operation. The Norwegian “volunteers” have also received their own symbolic packages, the items of which they tried on on the spot.