Getting to know disaster management – Norwegian partners in Hungary

2014. május 06. 08:15

A Norwegian delegation of four has arrived to Budapest on the fifth of May, consisting of Bjorn Aulie and Péter Borsányi representing the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, Maria Terray Brantenberg representing the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning and Grethe Ostby representing the Norwegian Civil Protection Organization of the Oppland Region.

On the first day guests were welcomed by Dr. Ádám Demény fire service Colonel, Director of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior, followed after the opening by the host of the event, Dr. Tibor Tollár fire service Brigadier General, Deputy Director General of Economic Affairs, who appraised the project and underlined its importance. He stated the following: “I have confidence that during the joint realization there will be an excellent professional cooperation between Norwegian and Hungarian partners, in line with previous expectations”. He stressed the importance of making the widest possible public efficiently and quickly aware of the activities of disaster management, civil protection and fire protection. He reminded that one of the important elements of the project is the outpost programme, through which we can contribute to the feeling of security of the inhabitants. The expedient preparation of the outpost staff also serves the protection of the inhabitants.

After the welcome, Arild Moberg Sande, Chargé d’Affaires of the Budapest Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway followed by expressing his delight that in connection with the project between the two countries, our professional cooperation has reached a new milestone. Despite the fact that Norway is not a member of the European Union, the primary aim of their support programme is to contribute to the reduction of economic and social divide within the EU. The secondary aim is to foster Norwegian connections in the professional field of disaster management. In his point of view, the participation in joint professional programmes does not only enhance a mutual professional development of the partakers, but also serves as a means to promote the unified and efficient application of local methods.

Péter Jackovics fire service Lieutenant Colonel, Head of the Department of Operation Control provided a brief introduction of legislative provisions and laws guiding the operation of the Directorate General, the three professional branches of the directorate and the operations of the professional branches of civil protection, fire protection and industrial safety. In his presentation he attached an importance to prevention, appropriate preparation and the reduction of the number and cost of interventions. He briefly introduced the structure of the organization and also that the staff of more than 11’000 of disaster management is assisted by a significant voluntary staff. Currently 105 professional, 60 municipal and 72 industrial fire brigades operate in Hungary. One of the articulated aims of the Norway Grant is to increase the number of disaster protection outposts, reaching all areas of the country that are currently not covered.

Árpád Szentiványi, Head of the Division of Flood Protection of the Hungarian National Water Authority participated in the event, holding a presentation not only about the operations of his organization but also giving a detailed description of annual flood threat events in Hungary – introducing the critical areas, the possible sources and drains of the dangerous mass of water. His presentation integrated an array of statistical data.

Following the presentations, the Norwegian guests inspected the mobile dam of the town of Szentendre, with Dr. Ferenc Dietz, the mayor of the town directing a team demonstrating the assembly of the dam.