Preparation of a unified competency map – equal opportunities for men and women

2014. május 08. 13:14

The staff of disaster management outposts is studied by the competency map prepared within the framework of a tender titled “Local capacity development of disaster management institutions” that started in last December. In addition to the extension of capacity, the priority objective of the Norwegian-funded project is also to renew the human resource management system.

Meetings supporting the creation of the map were held on the 24th and 28th of April at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior. During these two days, Artúr Bobák police Lieutenant Colonel, the trainer of the Directorate General of Educational Training and Research Organization of the Ministry of Interior worked together with 31 fire service staff members assigned to disaster management outposts. The preparation of the competency map was assisted by 13 officers in command of the outpost during the first day and 18 officers mostly in leading firefighter rank during the second day. Participants had to find competences, abilities and skills that are essential for specific ranks of the outpost to carry out the duties with the highest possible quality. This meant a review of what is needed to be a good officer in command, disaster management delegate, leading firefighter, sub officer, firefighter or driver. This time not the professional skills were mapped, only the so-called soft skills and abilities, such as the importance of leadership and communication skills, but they also investigated the level of special stress which officers having specific ranks must endure.

The Norwegian partner pays a distinctive attention to equal opportunities of men and women within the organization of disaster management, therefore both meetings specifically covered this area as well. The situation of specific ranks was examined in connection with gender, and steps were also identified which are necessary to provide equal opportunity for women in specific ranks.

The complete and final competency map of the outposts will be created by the trainer of the Directorate General of Educational Training and Research Organization of the Ministry of Interior based on the current findings.