Norwegian funding in the Hungarian Disaster Management

2014. május 08. 13:14

The Hungarian workgroup of the tender titled “Local capacity development of disaster management institutions” held its first, project kick-off meeting. More than one million Euros may be utilized within the framework of the project.

The International Development and Fund Coordination Agency issued an invitation to tender titled as “Local capacity development of disaster management institutions” within the framework of the Capacity-Building and Institutional Cooperation Programme of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.  The National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior applied for the tender, and the operator of the programme considered the application worthy of support, therefore they held the first coordination meeting at the Directorate General on the 17th of December.

The main aims of the project are the extension of capacity and the development of the human resource management system. This joint programme is expected to facilitate the development of the Hungarian institutional background of disaster management and relief operations. In the last few years, Norway has unified the disaster management system; therefore their experiences make up an important contribution to the project.

Five partners form a consortium within the project: the National Directorate General for Disaster Management of the Ministry of Interior acts as the leading partner; additional partners are the Hungarian Civil Protection Association, the Directorate General of Educational Training and Research Organization of the Ministry of Interior, the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate and the Norwegian Disaster Management.

The original aim is the formation of disaster management outpost, their organizational development and integration into existing institutional structures, the training and preparation of new staff. The Norwegian partner was most interested in how the connections are operating on a local level in Hungary and they also paid a distinctive attention to the equal opportunities of men and women within Hungarian disaster management.

The project started this year on the 1st of December and closes on 1 December 2015, covering more than a million Euros.